168 Granite Street Allenstown, NH 03275
Office: 603-485-4459 - See "Contact Us" Tab for more information.
GPS Coordinates: 43° 7' 30.972'' N71° 25' 54.822'' W
1. Professional consultation with landowners on all projects. There is no charge for this meeting.
2. Forestry Based Construction Projects.
3. Commercial Land Clearing.
4. Purchase of Standing Forest Products.
5. Working In central and southern New Hampshire.
6. Purchase of Sand & Gravel Products from our Partridge Pit.
7. Our company is committed to being as Environmentally Sustainable as we can. Managing forests in a manner that will benefit the environment, landowners and wildlife. We follow the States Best Management Practices using Bridges over Wetlands and purchasing Equipment with Tier 4 systems whenever possible.
“Find a job you love, never go to work.”
— Jeff Eames, Founder
Fort Mountain Companies has a relationship with a NH licensed Forester & American Tree Farm Inspector who can provide you with professional advice relating to the management of your forest resources. The forester will help you make decisions regarding timber production, wildlife management, recreation management and future or present financial needs.